I am VERY excited to share this tutorial with you today, for the Colors of My Heart quilt. It’s color-block quilt, that incorporates Photo Designs; it’s very easy to piece and so much fun to make.
When I did this quilt, I used 6 inch blocks; but looking back I wished I had used 5 inch blocks so I could of used precut Charm Squares. So I’ve written the tutorial for 5 inch blocks so you can use Charm Packs, making it even easier to do. If you make it, please tag me on Instagram {@mattyjhb} as I would LOVE to see it.
OVERVIEW. This quilt is designed to use 5″ squares and finished 5″ half square triangles (HSTs) to create the large heart. For the HSTs, you will need one pack of Big Thangles 4.5″ Finished, to ensure sure you end up with perfect HSTs. Finished Quilt Size is 66′ x 66′ (apprx’) and 1/4″ seam allowances are used for all seams. HST = Half Square Triangle.
Background & Border: 3. 5 yards
Large Heart: an array of colorful scraps AND Photo Designs to create ninety (90) 5″ squares and twenty (20) finished 5″ HSTs. I used 19 Photo Designs, but that is up to you. If you need help creating the Photo Designs check out this blog post, on how to use on App on your smart phone to convert a photo into an artistic graphic a/k/a Photo Design.
Quilt Back and Binding Fabric: 2.5 yards

LAYOUT. Before you begin cutting the 5″ squares for the large heart, you’ll want to have a layout in mind, so you know what colors you will need. I based my layout on the various Photo Designs I had, so this dictated the layout. The layout I used is Figure 1 below. Also, you’ll need space to layout the large heart – a design wall is perfect, but if you don’t have one, a dining room table, or even the floor will work.

You can use one of the layouts provided in this tutorial (Figure 1 or Figure 2), or you can create your own. Just download and print this heart template and using colored pencils, shade in the blocks with the your own color scheme. Heart Template

Assembling the Large Heart
(1) Trim the Photo-Designs to be 5″ squares.
(2) Once you have an idea of what colors of squares you will need based on your layout –
- Cut your colored fabric 5″ squares; you will need ninety;
- Cut twenty 5.5″ squares from the background fabric and twenty 5.5″ squares from your colored fabric to create the twenty HSTs. Follow the Thangles directions, to create the twenty finished 5″ HSTs; and
- Cut thirty-two 5″ squares from the background fabric.
(3) Arrange your 5″ squares (including your 5″ Photo Designs) and finished 5″ HSTs using your heart layout design. Assemble by sewing twelve VERTICAL rows (See Figure 3) and then join the rows together to create the large heart.

Adding the Borders to Large Heart
(1) For the border on the top and bottom, cut 2 strips that are 55″ x 6.25″ (or 4 strips 28″ x 6.25″ and sew two together); add the top and bottom borders to the large heart following the layout in Figure 4. Trim borders as needed.

(2) For the borders on the side, cut 4 strips that are 34″ x 6.25″; add the side borders to the large heart following the layout in Figure 5. Trim borders as needed.

That’s it!! The top of the quilt is pieced. Soooo easy isn’t it???
Cut the backing fabric, and press the quilt top and backing well. Make a quilt sandwich by placing the backing fabric right side down; the batting on the top and then the quilt top centered on top with right sides up. Baste using the method you prefer, quilt and bind.